Bill cipher x dipper
Bill cipher x dipper

bill cipher x dipper

It could also be seen as a plea for help, with all the fire going around and such. Looking at the poses of the people on the tapestry, it does indeed seem as though they’re kneeling/bowing to imply worship or praise. Some fans say that this looks like the tree is being worshipped too, while everything is in flames. I’ll start with this, and show that creepy “shaman-made” prophecy tapestry I’ve discussed in the past: Okay, okay, the obvious is Dipper playing with fire and Bill talking about pine trees burning. Let’s slow down, however, and look at the various ways pine trees can be symbolically represented and what Dipper and/or his “purpose” may have in common with them. is also connected to the opening of the “third eye” - an expanded form of knowledge and wisdom. Pine cones, which pine trees produce, have a connection to the pineal gland (named after them), which in various religions/faiths/etc. They point to the skies (commonly believed placement for heaven), are grounded in the earth, and the roots reach down to the “underworld.” In other interpretations, pine trees are also a symbolic link between heaven, earth, and the underworld. Other symbols connect pine trees to the sun due to the interesting way these trees grow and tower over other trees. The burning of pine trees can allow for purification of dark/evil spirits in some belief systems. These trees are a symbol of death, afterlife, eternal life, and some say fire is stored within these trees. Many of these interpretations have a consistent pattern of meanings in common… Pine trees have a lot of highly respected (and in some religions/cultures, worshipped) reputation amongst various symbolic interpretations. Starting with: Pine Tree symbolisms and meanings.

#Bill cipher x dipper series#

So, I’m going to start off my series of posts with Dipper because of how Dipper appears to catch Bill’s interest/attention the most. Maybe he was, but that’s what impressed him. “Right, you ‘defeated’ me.” Bill let them off easy, though it’s hard to tell if he was truly surprised at Dipper discovering what you can do in the mindscape. That’s why their “victory” wasn’t technically a victory. Question Mark is Soos, Shooting Star is Mabel, and Pine Tree is Dipper.īill says he’s impressed again when he meets Dipper alone in his dreams, but I’ll get to that in a bit. He’s already referred to three characters as their symbols, himself. Why does Bill have a seemingly favored focus on Dipper too?įirstly, Bill’s wheel most likely indicates the “pawns” he needs for his plans. However, it’s time to go deeper and this time around I’ll only talk about pine trees and the Big Dipper - as well as what these symbols may have connection toward in Gravity Falls. I definitely want to write about Mabel, because her possible purpose for the show intrigues me! (These two shall receive equal love in my theory posts, worry not <3)Īlright, what’s behind the more evident symbols of Dipper? I covered potential animal symbolism that Dipper may have, and a little on his birthmark. Mabel is next on my list, though her symbolic roots are going to need more research just to be certain I’m on the right track with her. It was pretty simple, but I have plans for a future post on her family and the town’s mysterious history. Pacifica’s symbol is mostly covered in the previous post, too. We’ll see what else Bill could want with Dipper, as well as others on the wheel (in future posts). So, let’s look into BOTH of these! A sequel to my previous symbolism theory: Īnd I’ll be elaborating on Dipper’s section from this: Aha, Dipper’s “name” is pretty much a combination of both symbols that are associated with him.

Bill cipher x dipper